Trend Watch: Free-Standing Tubs

Trend Watch: Free-Standing Tubs

Free-Standing Tubs Create a Soothing Sanctuary In our fast-paced world, the bath space is often one of the last refuges of true relaxation. With inspiration, it can be a haven where worries melt away and daily stress dissolves. When we decided to add an en-suite to...
Lunch With The Boys

Lunch With The Boys

L to R: Lee DeJay, Sales Director, The Neighborhood Connection; David Hussain, Realtor® Broker, Serra Mesa, CA; Jen McGeehan, Realtor®, Coldwell Banker Island Properties As a native So Cal gal, I took full advantage of my most recent trip to San Diego, to have lunch...
It’s Code of Ethics Time!

It’s Code of Ethics Time!

I just completed the once-every-three years Code of Ethics course, provided in conjunction with the Hawaii Island Realtors General Membership Meeting. It was a wonderful reminder of my responsibilities to my clients, Realtors®, and the public! This photo of fellow...