Your Journey

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

My spring cleaning came in the form or receiving a special gift...Please read on! In showing a wonderful property in the Kalopa area of the Hamakua Coast, I zoned in on a really great vintage...

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Off-Grid Living & Cesspools

Off-Grid Living & Cesspools

.. and my most unusual Christmas gift! If the end of your journey finds you owning or renting a property that is off grid, you may be interested in the most unusual gift I received this Christmas!...

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The Dream Board

The Dream Board

Larry & Michelle Lytle's Dream Board. Notice their fearless Realtor®'s photo tucked in near the lower right corner.I've never made a Dream Board. But, in the past six months, I have had two...

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How to Move to Hawaiʻi

How to Move to Hawaiʻi

When Pat and I packed up a lifetime and household of stuff, dropped my horse and goat off at LAX Cargo, and hopped on our own separate commercial airlines, we were totally exhausted, to say the...

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How to Get a Job on the Big Island

How to Get a Job on the Big Island

When Pat and I moved from Southern California to the Hamakua Coast, I was unemployed. My job with the San Bernardino National Forest Association as their buyer/operations manager for eight gift...

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What Clients Are Saying

“Jen was very proactive in all aspects of selling our property and found contractors to keep the property looking good throughout the listing period. She also provided advice throughout the process and was very helpful in getting the transaction done at a distance (we were on the mainland throughout the process). Her knowledge of the Hamakua Coast was very helpful in helping prospective buyers understand the regulatory and practical issues associated with shoreline properties.”

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