On Sat., March 8th I found myself, Jen McGeehan Team Realtor®, Jill Siegel-Stone, and a few other CBIP agents, at Kalakaua Park in Hilo, setting up the CBIP pop-up, tables, chairs, treats, a keiki coloring station, and an assortment of games, treats and materials, all in support of the East Hawaii Cultural Center’s annual YAS Fest. The Fest is a celebration of Hawaii Island’s Youth Arts, and honored award winners in a variety of categories. The event included wonderful local food vendors and entertainment provided by local youth musicians.
In usual Hilo form, the day started with showers, but soon, the sun burst through. We had so much fun, and we plan to support YAS again next year!
Thanks, Jill, for bringing this to the attention of the CBIP Foundation, and allowing me to jump in and help!
Look below and click arrows to see more photos!