Island-Wide Real Estate Stats

Oct 19, 2020

January – September 2019/2020 Comparison

In the midst of a pandemic, you’d think that real estate on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean would come to a grinding halt. So not true! And, closed residential sales on the Hamakua Coast takes the lead by a long shot.

Take a look at these statistics, both island-wide and in each of our nine districts:

Sales Volume Median Sales Number of Sales
District 1/Puna 10.97% 6.72% 5.87%
District 2/South Hilo 7.74% 4.0% -8.09%
District 3/North Hilo 29.29% -25.29% 31.25%
District 4/Hamakua 74.13% 22.06% 30.00%
District 5/North Kohala 11.93% -5.56% 7.84%
District 6/South Kohala 36.72% 8.59% -7.35%
District 7/North Kona -5.45% 14.46% -7.89%
District 8/South Kona 59.66% 9.03% 13.04%
District 9/Kau 33.62% 20.10% 13.49%
Island-wide 10.93% 3.95% .89%