January 2023 Market Stats

Feb 20, 2023

There is no doubt about it…the real estate market has shifted! Ask any Realtor® worth his or her “stuff” and this stat will be confirmed. Island wide, total sales and total listings are down. The good news is that the median price for homes, condos and land continues to increase! Is it still a good time to sell? This Realtor® says “yes!” It is still a very strong seller’s market, with minimal inventory for buyers to choose from. The kicker is that there are fewer buyers! Price your home correctly and you will see it go into escrow usually within 1 to 4 weeks, and at a price close to or at full price. Price it too high and in a month your Realtor® will suggest dropping the price! It is as simple as that.
Hamakua January 2023 Market Stats