April Market Stats

April Market Stats

Number of home sales in eight of our nine districts penciled out at a decrease due to fewer available properties. Condo sales were also down in three of the four districts. And land sales were down in all districts except North Kona. Our island needs more properties...
You Gotta Love a Yurt!

You Gotta Love a Yurt!

Every once in a while I discover a MLS listing that really grabs my heart. It happened again last week! Two yurts and one studio decorated in Fixer Upper vibe, a greenhouse, and one of only a handful of Tea Farms (not Ti Farms) on the island, located on three lush and...
Lei Day

Lei Day

A LEIbor of Love As a long-time Hawaiian Airlines flyer, I received an e-mail announcing their upcoming “CeLEIbrate Aloha” Photo Contest, and call for submissions. So, as any writer would naturally do, I submitted the following story, feeling confident I would win!...