My Year in a Yurt

by | Nov 21, 2023

Looking for a wonderfully informative and witty account of life in a vintage yurt on the Big Island of Hawaii? Jump into my shoes as I share our journey from a huge home in Southern California, to a tiny 450 Not-So-Square Foot, off-grid yurt in the ohia forest. I have a handful of copies of my 1st Edition book, and will autograph and mail per your specs. Contact me directly at [email protected].

What Clients Are Saying

“Jen was very proactive in all aspects of selling our property and found contractors to keep the property looking good throughout the listing period. She also provided advice throughout the process and was very helpful in getting the transaction done at a distance (we were on the mainland throughout the process). Her knowledge of the Hamakua Coast was very helpful in helping prospective buyers understand the regulatory and practical issues associated with shoreline properties.”

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