Orchids Do Double Duty in Hawaiʻi

Jul 11, 2020

I hate to admit it but I have never done well with orchids. I have always appreciated the unique blooms, with their vast array of color combinations, the way the flowers cascade often in a high arc as if reaching out to touch me. But, what happens when the bloom dies and all I am left with are green leaves leaves me well, less than excited. I would then give it the recommended supplements, try to find the perfect filtered sun, urge it on to reproduce those amazing blooms. And then, months later, when no new bloom appeared? Well, I use to pitch the poor thing into the trash. OMG!!!

The roots of the orchid attach themselves to the tree – it is then permanently fed in this perfect way!

Moving to Hawaii taught me a whole new way to extend the life of these beautiful blooming plants. It was a brainstorm! One of those ahh hah moments!!!

what to do when there is no bloom

When the bloom is gone, I trim off the stem and then march out to my yard to find the perfect “V” in one of my trees; a spot where the single trunk splits off into two trunks, or a single branch splits into two sturdy branches. The huge jacaranda in our backyard was my most current final resting place for a simply gorgeous white orchid that I had received as a gift. I placed the entire plant, minus the plastic container, into a small square of burlap, gently tying it with some string. Then, I used a bit more string to secure it to the “V” in the tree. Within a relatively short period of time, the roots of the orchid attached themselves to the tree and is then permanently fed in this perfect way! I never have to feed it or water it again. Nature does everything for me.

Then, six months to a year later, voila…a beautiful repeat performance of the blooms! It truly is a sight for sore eyes, and a reason to celebrate new life!

So, the next time you think about pitching out that orchid with no bloom left, reconsider and find a nook in a tree, or even a puka in a wall, and let your orchid do double duty!

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