April 11 Was National Pet Day (13 pets!)

by | Apr 20, 2023

Time For A Swim!

We are blessed with two ponds on our property. One that always has a few feet of water, and a second that fills and empties based on the amount of liquid sunshine we receive.

About three weeks ago we had a real dump of rain that lasted a good week! Our second pond filled to capacity and this was my invitation to take Palmer, my 12-year old dapple bay, swimming! As the largest of our 13 pets, this is an activity I look forward to, but rarely get to enjoy. The pond just doesn’t hold water very long.

Enjoy the video! And I hope you celebrate your favorite pet(s) every day!

What Clients Are Saying

“Jen was very proactive in all aspects of selling our property and found contractors to keep the property looking good throughout the listing period. She also provided advice throughout the process and was very helpful in getting the transaction done at a distance (we were on the mainland throughout the process). Her knowledge of the Hamakua Coast was very helpful in helping prospective buyers understand the regulatory and practical issues associated with shoreline properties.”

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